Thursday, August 12, 2010

10 days around south africa

3 years back my family and I went to south africa on a tour.
well here is the personal sharing.

The first day in South Africa we arrived at johannesburg. i was amazed at the scenery around the town.
it is unlike what people have told about africa.
it turns out to be africa had a beautiful city like this.

Well we spent 2 days here in Johannesburg. the next city we visited is Capetown.
This city is as good as Johannesburg this is the second biggest city in South Africa.
since we travel there by bus, we arrived at Capetown at around 5 pm in the afternoon well the scenery just got a lot more beautiful  at night.

There are few pictures i took. We Stayed here for 2 days too and then we move on to go to Suncity but before we go to Suncity. We visited the famous cape of good hope. it is located on the Table mountain on the cape point.
This is really a fantastic place where we can see the current from both Indian and Atlantic ocean met and what really good about this is the view is stunning from higher ground.

Then we continue our journey to Suncity.
It took us about 7 hours drive to reach there.
these are few pictures i would like to share

Well these are the photo taken when i reach our hotel called The Palace..
I am so in love with this hotel. my home for 4 days.
We went to safari at our last day the safari is called Kruger park. Well safari tour it is a tour in a private huge savannah land filled with African animals. We rode on a special car designed for the tour.

Here are some animals I pictured from my camera.
Well the next morning we started our journey back to Capetown for a flight back to Singapore on the next day afternoon.
I personally felt really sad to leave South Africa at it is really a good place to enjoy the holiday.
I hope you guys liked my post.

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