Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chongqing night view

The center of the old city of Chongqing (chóng qìng 重庆) is almost completely encircled by the two arms of the Yangtze River (yáng zǐ jiāng 扬子江) and Jialing River (jiā líng jiāng 嘉陵江). Row upon row of buildings climb the hills beside the rivers, giving rise to its nickname the "city of hills (shān chéng 山城)" and the phrase "night views of the hilly city (shān chéng yè jǐng 山城夜景)" known well both in domestic and in overseas. observing the nocturnal scenes which form a colorful three-dimensional painting, with waves of the Yangtze and Jialing river glistering against moonlit, star spangled sky,is an amazing experience that you shall never miss.

The nocturnal sight in Chongqing is splendid and beautiful. When night falls, the lights of a myriad families shine like stars, climbing to the sky, where they join the star-studded dome above, the flowing water and open sky each playing off the other's radiant beauty. The whole city is a sleepless city and looks like a splendid palace floating on water. When people get into the palace, they will completely swept by the feeling of the heaven permeating the earth.

If possible, choose a day that is relatively clear, as little can be seen when the fog is heavy, the city government has undertaken an urban beatification project that requires all new buildings to be illuminated at night. The banks of both rivers are lit up with colourful strings of lights and can be seen from quite a distance.
Since the city is on the mountains and the mountains are the city, on the mountain you can not only enjoying the charming view, but also enjoy the wonderful evening night scenes. At night, climbing up onto one of the less-populated hills affords panoramic views of the city‘s night lights. Due to the city‘s hilly terrain, you can see a hierarchy of lights in all directions. Chongqing at night presents a wonderful scene. Lights in different colors sparkle and shine in layers and are reflected in the sparkling river, creating a mirage-like view. It‘s hard to tell the river and the lights.

There are several vantage points for observing this mountain city by both day and night : the Red Star Pavilion (hóng xīng tíng 红星亭) in the Pi Pa Shan Park (pí pá shān gōng yuán 枇杷山公园) and the Kan Sheng Pavilion (kàn shèng lóu 瞰胜楼), you can see lights around you in Goose Neck Park (é lǐng gōng yuán 鹅岭公园) in Yuzhong District (yú zhōng qū 渝中区), but the favourite is One Tree Hill (yī kē shù 一棵树) on South Mountain (nán shān 南山).

reference, from

Beijing Zoo (Běijīngdòng wùyuán 北京动物园), situated in the west part of Beijing. It was built in 1908, known as the Garden of Ten Thousand Animals. In 1955 it was formally named Beijing Zoo.

It covered an area of over 40,000 square meters. Bears, elephants, pandas, lions, tigers, songbirds, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, antelopes and giraffes were brought in the late 1950s, and a gorilla cage, leaf-monkey cage and aquarium house, was opened, containing specimens of over 100 species of reptiles from all over the world, including crocodiles and pythons.

At present, the zoo houses over 7,000 creatures of 600 different species, including the giant panda, red-crowned crane and golden monkey unique to China-as well as the African giraffe, rhinoceros, chimpanzee and antelope; American continent; wild ox from Europe, White Bear from the North Pole, Kangaroo from Australia, Zebra from Africa. and elephant and gibbon from India.

The Zoo exhibits not only the variety of living places for the animals but also proud of the different rooms, halls, pavilions and luscious trees and plants. It combines the garden arts of the East and West that typically adapts to the environment of the wild animals living here.

Beijing Ocean Hall was opened to the public inside the Zoo in 1999. It is the biggest ocean hall in China. Besides enjoying the sight of all the different species of fish, you are invited to watch the shows performed by the dolphins and the sea lions here in the Hall.

The most famous animal in Beijing Zoo is the panda bear.

Beijing Aquarium

Adult: RMB 100

Student under 18 years old: RMB 50

children under 1.2 meter are free.

Beijing Aquarium ticket including the coupon ticket of the zoo.

reference, from

Singaporeeee !!!

Going for a holiday in the beautiful city of Singapore? Don't know where to stay? What to do and where to shop?
Singapore is definitely a wonderful place to experience a variety of cultures, food and shopping.
But the truth is, if you're going to Singapore for the first time, you should definitely do some homework to ensure you make the most of your trip.
I stayed in Singapore for 5 years for my secondary school.In that 5 years time ive experienced tons of new things and im truly amazed by Singapore.
Well a notice for visitors is that whether you're a first time visitor looking for the main attractions in Singapore, or a repeat visitor who wants to check out more exotic and rural gems in Singapore u should do it dont think about the cost. 
The cost of living in Singapore is not really high unlikely in other developed countries.
Here is some of the picture of how Singapore looks like as well as the varieties of DELICIOUS foods around Singapore and the attraction such as the newly opened casino and universal studios.
Beside all those interesting stuffs, for those who loves F1 Singapore has the 1st night circuit for the race and its the 1st one in the world.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My hometown (Manado,North Sulawesi Indonesia)

Manado is a city located at the edge of the Celebes Island. Celebes is one of the big 5 Island in Indonesia.My hometown Manado is the capital of the North Celebes Province in Indonesia. The city has roughly 650000 population.

In the world Manado is well known of its ocean treasure. Here, we can find a lot of good diving spot with exotic animal inhabit the place. We can also do a hiking trip to the exotic volcano filled with rainforest flora and fauna. the diversity of species in the province itself brings alot of researchers and opportunity for job. In Manado too the famous Coelacanth fish , an ancient fish said to extinct at the dinosaur age.

Well now let me show u some fabulous picture from my hometown.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ttavel in wuxi--by Doris

When i was a university student, I chose the jiangnan university as the place where I will spend the most beautiful years there, because it is in wuxi. A city of dream. There are many interesting pots there, like sanguo city, and I will show you some pictures.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am here under the water--by Doris

 Another place I would like to mention is the place just beside the worldwide animal park, it is an under water world. You could see thousans kind of under water animals in that park, with music and different light back ground, you would feel like just in the water and been part of them.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The journey in the worldwild animal park--by Doris

The worldwide animal park is located in the city of Sydney, it is a beautiful park which face the see.
I visited this park on my first week here, the reason is quite simple, because I am desperate to seee the koala and the cangeroo.

There are so many animals which I have never seen before, some of them I could not even understand the meaning of there names. I was quite exited to see the  different kind of birds, rabites, dogs,which even though the  same sort in China, but looks extremely different from that in China,
The koalas are grey, they lied on the tree, some were sleeping, some were eatting,soooooooooooo cute~

Thursday, August 12, 2010

10 days around south africa

3 years back my family and I went to south africa on a tour.
well here is the personal sharing.

The first day in South Africa we arrived at johannesburg. i was amazed at the scenery around the town.
it is unlike what people have told about africa.
it turns out to be africa had a beautiful city like this.

Well we spent 2 days here in Johannesburg. the next city we visited is Capetown.
This city is as good as Johannesburg this is the second biggest city in South Africa.
since we travel there by bus, we arrived at Capetown at around 5 pm in the afternoon well the scenery just got a lot more beautiful  at night.

There are few pictures i took. We Stayed here for 2 days too and then we move on to go to Suncity but before we go to Suncity. We visited the famous cape of good hope. it is located on the Table mountain on the cape point.
This is really a fantastic place where we can see the current from both Indian and Atlantic ocean met and what really good about this is the view is stunning from higher ground.

Then we continue our journey to Suncity.
It took us about 7 hours drive to reach there.
these are few pictures i would like to share

Well these are the photo taken when i reach our hotel called The Palace..
I am so in love with this hotel. my home for 4 days.
We went to safari at our last day the safari is called Kruger park. Well safari tour it is a tour in a private huge savannah land filled with African animals. We rode on a special car designed for the tour.

Here are some animals I pictured from my camera.
Well the next morning we started our journey back to Capetown for a flight back to Singapore on the next day afternoon.
I personally felt really sad to leave South Africa at it is really a good place to enjoy the holiday.
I hope you guys liked my post.

Good travel plans ---- By Stephanie

Good travel plans help u before, during and after the travel.
Before u go for a travel, u better to have a plan. Because it may let ur travel more enjoyable.
First u need to map ur trip, and make a travel guide such as the most famous sites in that place. Then u need to know the list of the tools and things u need to prepare and packed.
Finally, u need to plan the time and length of the trip, then to buy tickets, book a hotel, and got a local SIM card is also necessary.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life in UK---- by Stephanie

I have been to UK about 3 years ago for 20 days travel.
I spend most time in Cambridge. It's a really charming town, very comfortable and queit.                                                          

And I have visited British Museum, and a theme park. I have a big fun there.

Oxford University is very famous. I have been to there and saw some places in the movie of .
This is the resturant in the movie.

The waxen image in the Madame Tussaud's feel so real! Unbelieveable they are just waxen image.

Finally, this is the  prime meridian in Greenwich Observatory.

And i hope u guys enjoy ur trip in UK!